Adalyn Flats, Ground Floor, Ngong Road, Nairobimagtech@magtech.co.ke

Tick cybersecurity off your to-do list

You know what it’s like. You start your morning with a to-do list the length of your arm, spend the day flitting from strategy meetings to solving customer problems to supporting your team. Rather than enjoy some downtime in the evening, you find yourself stuck answering 101 emails. It’s no real surprise that small business owners work 63% longer than the average employee[1] (although we bet you wouldn’t have it any other way!).

Then comes night. A chance for most people to rest and rejuvenate. But you lie awake dreaming about the company’s future, tomorrow’s board meeting, or that position you just can’t seem to fill. The reality for nearly a third of SME owners is surviving on just 5-hours sleep per night[2].

You never truly switch off, but there’s one ‘nightmare’ that’s often overlooked: cyberattacks.

60% of small businesses wrongly assume they’re unlikely to be attacked[3]

With a belief that they’re perhaps too small a target, cybersecurity isn’t viewed as a strategic priority for small business owners. It’s why over a fifth (22%) allow remote working without having a cybersecurity threat prevention plan in place[4].

The majority (97%) of the workforce desire for more flexibility, preferring to incorporate some remote work into their week[5]. For bad actors, the idea of unsecured home networks, huge data transfer outside the office perimeter, and a lack of in-house IT security expertise[6] is too tempting an opportunity to ignore. In a world where everything is digital, the threat is real, and last year cyberattack incidents on small businesses increased 14%[7].

Imagine how much simpler life would be if you could just get security done and tick it off your to-do list…

Kaspersky Small Office Security: all-in-one protection for busy businesses

Specifically designed to meet the challenges of busy small businesses (5-25 users), Kaspersky Small Office Security offers hands-off protection you can simple ‘set and forget’. It plugs directly in to your existing IT infrastructure and personal devices, to keep your data, money and people safe.

Our small business customers say they value the product highly because it gives them the confidence to simply tick security off their to do list. All they need to do is buy a license and everything – from their servers, storage and networks to personal devices, passwords, and remote workers – is protected, so they’re free to focus on more pressing business priorities.

…including protection from unintentional threats

Did you know an estimated 90% of cyberattacks are due to human error?[1]

‘Bad actors’ aren’t always hooded criminals lurking in the shadows. In most cases it is a careless mistake made by a busy employee who is simply trying to get on and do their job. Login details shared over email, an exported report quickly saved on a desktop, a corporate system accessed over public Wi-Fi – tasks we perform without even thinking that leave the business vulnerable.

With Kaspersky Small Office Security you’re always protected. It doesn’t even matter if someone were to accidentally click on a malicious link in an email, because Kaspersky Small Office Security automatically takes a back-up and makes it immediately available. Similarly, any fear over fraud when making payments online is gone, because additional security is in place to shield your money and stop you falling victim to potential scams.

Just imagine security being as simple as ‘buy, set, forget’.

Tick security off your to-do list.

If you wish to free yourself to focus on strategic business priorities, choose Kaspersky Small Office Security’s all-in-one protection for busy businesses. Simply try it, buy it, set and forget it. With protection for every person, every device, and every click, you can’t get better.

Access your FREE 30-day trial of Kaspersky Small Office Security now and get security done.

[1]Almost 90% of Cyber Attacks are Caused by Human Error or Behavior”, Chief Executive

[1] Entrepreneurs work 63% longer than average workers”, Real Business

[2] Asleep at the wheel?”, Simply Business

[3] 7 Cybersecurity Stats That Every Small Business Should Know in 2021”, Hacked

[4] 15 Small Business Cyber Security Statistics That You Need to Know”, Hashed Out

[5] 5 Statistics Employers Need To Know About The Remote Workforce”, Forbes

[6] 10 Small Business Cyber Security Statistics That You Should Know – And How To Improve Them”, Cyber Security Magazine

[7] Small Business Guide to Cyber Attacks”, Hiscox

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